Reach Family Dollar Corporate Office

Family Dollar’s Headquarters are located in North Carolina. More contact information for Family Dollar Stores is listed below.

How to Contact Family Dollar Corporate Office Headquarters HQ

Family Dollar Stores – Dollar Tree Inc.

Family Dollar Corporate Address – Distribution Center

10401 Monroe Road Charlotte, NC 28201 USA or (PO Box 1017)

Family Dollar Parent Company – Dollar Tree Inc.

Dollar Tree – 500 Volvo Parkway Chesapeake, VA 23320 USA

Family Dollar Contact Phone Numbers and Website:

Family Dollar Head Office Phone Number: 704-847-6961

Dollar Tree & Family Dollar Corporate Number: 757-321-5000

Corporate Family Dollar Fax Number: 704-847-5534

Family Dollar Legal Department: 757-321-5000

Corporate Email: Contact your local store

Family Dollar Customer Service Number: 866-377-6420

Family Complaints Department: 866-377-6420

Dollar Tree Inc, Stock Symbol: DLTR

Family Dollar Corporate Office HQ

Maps and Directions To Family Dollar Corporate Office

Family Dollar’s Competition in the Dollar Store Industry

Family Dollar competes with Dollar General and Walmart. Family Dollar also faces online competition from Amazon.

Disclaimer is not associated with Family Dollar Stores. This website is for information, reviews, feedback, ratings, and complaints purposes only. Information was verified by a live person. Please report any errors to the webmaster.

How do i get in touch with the family dollar corporate office?

Family Dollar and Dollar Tree and now merged. The best way to reach Family Dollar’s corporate office is by phone. The combined phone number is 757-321-5000.

Family Dollar Eudora KS

March 6, 2024

Dear Howard Levine, CEO. I have sent a complaint about OUR store in Eudora, Kansas on Church St. 66025. Our freezer is out. The company sent out a repairman. He CAN’T FIX IT. HOWEVER, the store is tagged as done. So there it sits, broken and the company THINKS 🤔 IT’S FIX . We are 6 miles from Lawrence Kansas. home of the Jayhawks. Students from the college live in Eudora. The Family Dollar is our Walmart, Walgreens, and quick grocery store. Affordable college supplies and house Accessories. But no matter what complaints are sent. No one gives a dang. You are the CEO. I beg you to fix it or close and we can have a Dollar General. Witch by the way is 6 miles down the road and always has working freezers and refrigerators. Oh and by the way. The registration has gone out also. Do you enjoy losing money? 💰 🤑. Because of the amount of frozen and registration items that are lost and cost OUR store. Would pay for a year at, The Ks University, maybe even more. I hope you get this. I do. Maybe you should consider Undercover Boss. Lol 😆

Cindy Bryant

Attention Family Dollar Main Office - False pricing labels

November 11, 2023

Be alert at the cash register. The prices on the shelf labels for many products are not the same as the prices at the register. This has happened in four Florida stores and for various items. Most stores correct the price once they confirm the posted label’s price. Most! The Winter Park, FL store manager did not. She said, “I’m sorry the label has that price but I charge this price.” That is a direct quote! Despite her independent ownership by stating “I charge…”, I said, “that doesn’t be consistent with Family Dollar store policy.” When asked if she was going to charge customers $.50 more than the listed price even though she knew the price was wrong, she stated without concern, “This is my price; I’m not going to change it.” Of course, I was not paying more than the listed price, and I’m too mature to argue or try to make sense out of others’ senseless behavior, so I left the item…but not without telling her that I would contact the corporate office (which makes it almost impossible to figure out how to contact someone other than the local store). I kindly told her that their pricing practices seemed intentionally misleading. Customers who do not pay attention at checkout will be tricked into paying more. This is a dishonest practice. With false labeling occurring at multiple stores, it also seems deliberate.

This disturbed me because I cannot help but think about all the people who are paying more than they think at a store that taunts lower prices. The prices at the register are sometimes much higher than competitors. So, I needed to see if anything changed after I alerted the stores of pricing differences. Unfortunately, NO! Weeks later, the label prices have not changed and neither have the register prices in either store that I visited.

I do a lot of shopping in a lot of stores. Family Dollar is the ONLY store with consistently inconsistent shelf-to-register prices. This needs to be corrected. Not only do the stores need to be accountable for correctly labeling their products’ prices, but they should adjust the prices when the customer is alert and notifies them of the inconsistency, which the employee confirms. Apologizing for the labeled price and not correcting it is just wrong!

Mislabels mislead

Family Dollar Home Office - I was Physically threatened

October 31, 2023

I was physically threatened about asking for some toilet paper that may or may not have been left at the counter. I have been to the store, many times and never had any problems but today I felt the compulsion to provide this feedback being that I find it hard to believe that an individual such as myself could be physically threatened, asking about some toilet paper that may or may not have been left at the counter I hope that the individuals who conducted themselves inappropriately are faced with someone who is in charge of them who can correct them of their actions because they were way out of line and uncalled for I was not looking for a refund. No, I discount I did not want anything. I give five-star ratings to all the other people that I deal with there regularly, who are friendly, courteous, helpful, and great employees , I believe that maybe the individual who I believe was the manager that oversees that store or that shift should consider another job besides customer service

josh johnson

Family Dollar Headquarters - I was treated like a nobody and had the cops called on me for looking for my lost credit card

August 24, 2023

I just left Family Dollar and was told I was banned from there because earlier I attempted to purchase over $100 worth of product from them before I went to the hospital for about four or five days where I’ll be receiving blood. I’m very sick. It was very painful to shop, but it was necessary, I had lost my credit card and dropped it along the way not realizing until I got to the register, knowing for sure I had it because I just purchased sports bras from Citi Trends. On my list of purchases was average stuff like something to wear to the hospital and snacks while I was there you know typical shopping and when I realized I didn’t have my card I went back to Citi Trends to look for it when I came back, I seen a man bend over and pick something up by the door, realizing that could’ve been my card. I wanted to follow for a minute. The year went into a truck. At least I thought so followed it until stopped 20 minutes later no man. Yeah, got into another vehicle so I went back to the store. Asked if someone turned it in and told me in the store because of the shift change so the lady told me she didn’t have time to look at the camera. I told her I could let her know exactly what time it was because I had the receipt from the other store. She informed me she was too busy at the moment, so so well I’m gonna look around to see if I can find it painfully. I staggered around the store and looked for it. It was that important for me because it was the only money I had I specifically got the cord to help me make it through this time while I was in the hospital not making money, so when I realize there was no account I got sad and I cried a little bit not big boo-hoo, crying and freaking out. She’s sad. You know I have no money. I have no people to rent to without that card. I have nothing Broken, realizing now I have to stay out of work for five days while I’m getting blood in the hospital amongst other things. So they decided to call the cops on me. I walked by to the back and I heard the lady talk to her boss because I guess I annoyed her looking for it. I was one of two customers in that store. That was it me, and another lady I wasn’t causing any trouble, I was handicapped and walking around in pain. I wasn’t moaning and groaning who is in screaming, and crying tears around my room I realized there was no hope it was sad. Needless to say, I was treated so poorly by the police not their fault it was what they were told by the lying and empathetic employees. I’ve never been treated so badly in my life I didn’t ask them for the world are you and ask them to help me look for it I didn’t even ask them for tissue. I didn’t cause a scene, but they called the cops on me and they wouldn’t look at footage of a real thief who possibly picked it up. When I informed the girl that she was to take down my name and number she was angry with me, and I didn’t even argue with her. I wrote down my name and number, and I cried more when I opened the door and I was getting into my car because I’ve never been so disrespected in my life, I’m thinking about speaking to a lawyer this is horrible and y’all have it all on film so I can’t wait to see the tape of me looking for my credit and getting the cops called on me for it. This world is so messed up. Everything is so twisted. Where are the compassion people? I will get a lawyer’s perspective. Y’all haven’t a clue what I’m going through. I’m sick Would you kick out a cancer because they are broke cause their sick and need to go to the hospital for treatment? So they take out a credit card especially to cover that lost time and it gets lost. I will post my post everywhere that will listen. I’m no Karen but I’m not gonna let people treat others this way if I can stop it somehow.